Friday, March 28, 2008

Sweat Pants & Camel Back

Yep, that was my means of existence for more than a week! Sweat pants and one of those water bladders used for hiking (that way I could sip water without having to sit up)I woke up a couple Saturdays sick! I spent 6 straight days in bed. Not kidding. I got up to visit Miss Suzie and that's about it! Tim took a couple days off to take care of me and our children...and the house! The 7th day He took the kids to his parents. The 8th day I was on my own, so I moved from our bedroom to the sofa. He relieved me at lunch time for the rest of the day. Then it was the weekend again. Praise the Lord. So, by then I was feeling a little better, but still absolutely drained! Day 9 I sprained my ankle. I couldn't even walk. That night I crawled, but only when absolutely necessary to move. Today is day 14. My throat is still a little sore-but not too bad, and as long as I wear this huge moon boot cast/brace thingy I can make it through the day walking without too much pain. I have a lot more energy. I hope to bake something really special for my sweet husband today. He took such good care of me. He got the laundry caught up, and kept the house tidy, cooked and even baked a couple pies! So, I am blogging today to brag about my wonderful husband to all who choose to read this blog. And to publicly say thank you! I have never been so sick, and I don't know how I would have managed without his help, and him waiting on my every little desire. In sickness and in health. He promised me that over 6 years ago. Now that I'm pretty healthy again, I want the world to know how thankful I am(to my husband for being such a good one, and to God for blessing me with him!)...and how much I love my wonderful husband. I truly am blessed!


Jamie said...

I'm sorry you were so sick. That's so nice that your husband took such good care of you!

Hope you are "as right as rain" soon!

Charity said...

Bless your heart! Isn't it horrible being sick with little ones to care for?! Ugh...

Love the pictures of Charles' birthday party. Even the tears~ too funny! What a dollbaby!