Friday, March 14, 2008

Charles 1st Birthday Party!

I decided to do a John Deere theme for Charles birthday. I didn't think the tractor was enough cake, so I decided to make a barn to go with it. The frosting recipe I used tasted absolutely wonderful, but it was NOT ideal for piping! As evidenced by the picture. It was too soft. It was hard to make nice detail because it just kind of melted and sagged together. So I wasn't very happy with how it turned out, but it sure tasted yummy!Charles went right for the candle, of course. Notice I'm laughing...Janelle looks terrified! *grin*
He wasn't very impressed with frosting on his fingers.
He was very cautious...but, he decided to try again.
Nope. Still not impressed! He looks repulsed by the whole idea.


Jamie said...

That cake is ADORABLE!!! I love it... I wouldn't have even been able to tell that it was "melting" if you had said anything! LOVE IT..

AmberDawn said...

I have to agree w/Jamie! Awesome cakes!! You are an incredibly talented lady ("lady" - that sounds so sophisticated! *giggle*).
I still plan to be like you when I grow up! *grin* I'm remembering the barbie doll (or Princess) cakes you made Janelle a few years ago. Very good, Sally, and once again, the pictures and your descriptions are so perfect!

Mrs. Timothy W. Pierce Sr. said...

Oh, Amber! You know-I only pretend to be sophisticated. (hee, hee)

The princess cake, a few years ago. Little dose of reality, right in the gut. Where does the time go anyways?! That was for her second birthday. This fall she will turn 5! SOB, SOB, SOB!