Friday, February 29, 2008

Update on Urgent prayer request!

I just got back from the hospital. I had a nice visit with Leann. They have a new little boy! No name yet. *grin* The baby was taken by ambulence to Syracuse hospital a couple of hours after birth. Leann is still in Lowville hospital. Baby is doing fairly well. Better than I expected. Praise God! Some breathing trouble. Waiting on test results and chest x-rays to determine the cause. Possibly penumonia (not sure of spelling) which is worst case cause would be the normal amniotic fluid tha is in the lungs of even full term babies, but usually gets squeezed out when the baby squeezes through the birth canal. Doctors are hopeful that it is just from the fluid thing. Won't have results until tomorrow. He is not weezing as bad. And his oxygen levels are going up and carbon dioxide levles going down. Great news!!! He is still on oxygen, but down to 23% We breathe at 21% So that is also great progress!! He is not out of the woods yet, but things are looking much brighter. God is good! Leann seems to be doing well, and is in good spirits even though her arms are empty right now. She is happy that "Daddy" can be with baby now. It appears that her arms will only be empty for a little while...Praise God! She has a picture-so that helps. Please continue to pray for them.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I will definitely keep this family in my prayers. The whole situation must be so hard...Thank you for being thoughtful in sharing it on your blog.
