Thursday, February 28, 2008


Dear readers of this blog, and fellow Christians:

I ask for your prayers right now. It only takes a minuite to stop and pray! We recieved word a little while ago that a good friend of ours was on her way to the hospital. This is their 5th pregnancy. Leann hadn't felt the baby moving for a while. They discovered that her amniotic fluid was gone and she needs to be induced and deliver their baby within 48 hours...5 WEEKS EARLY!!! Please pray for scary! And of course pray for their baby! You may not know them, but God does! Let us come together as one in Christ and lift this family up in prayer. Please pass this request on to other blogs, e-mails, friends, church prayer chains, etc. Let's get Christians all over the world praying for Tom & Leann and their precious baby!

I will keep you posted.


laurie said...

I pray everything will work out. Phillip was born at 32 weeks and had to stay in the NICU for 9 days but everything was alright. Tell her people are praying for her and the baby.

AmberDawn said...

have been praying (got the email before I left WV) and will continue